How To Make Hawaiian Manapua

Date 24 month 12 year 2018

Hawaiian Manapua cake is a type of cake from the island of Hawaii is very famous for visitors to this place. Manapua is heavily influenced by traditional Chinese dumplings, with the main ingredients being flour to make the crust, and the inner filling is quite rich. In the Manapua cake I introduce to you today, the cake will be made from char siu, mixed with a bit of red to create a color hidden inside, extremely beautiful and attractive. This cake is steamed or baked according to your liking, so it will help those who love to eat without the oven also do not need to worry. The sisters please join me in the kitchen to start making Manapua cakes of the beautiful island of Hawaii.


Ingredients for making Hawaiian Manapua for 5-6 people (about 12 cakes):

Cake crust part:

- 1 pack of dry yeast

- 3 tablespoons warm water

- 2 cups warm water

- 2 tablespoons of cooking oil or cooking fat

- ¼ cup of white sugar

- ¾ teaspoon of salt

- 500g-600g Tai Ky flour

- ½ tbsp sesame oil

Cake filling:

- 1 cup of water

- 2 tablespoons cornstarch

- 2 tablespoons of white sugar

- teaspoon of salt

- 500g char siu

- A few drops of red food coloring.

- Tools: whisk, steamer, 3 stencils, plastic food wrap

How to make Hawaiian Manapua for 5-6 people:

Step 1: Preliminary processing of ingredients to make Hawaiian Manapua cake

- The flour you sieve again to smooth


- You put dried yeast in a bowl and mixed with 3 tablespoons of warm water.

- Cut small pomegranate friends.


- Your stencils are divided into 12 equal parts, cut into squares.

Step 2: Steps to make Hawaiian Manapua.

- First we will make the crust first.


- You prepare a bowl, then you add the ingredients including: 2 cups of warm water, salt, white sugar and cooking oil. You use a spoon to stir well to dissolve the sugar.

- After that, you pour this mixture of sugar water into the bowl of yeast we have mixed in the preliminary process.


- Next, you put the flour slowly into the bowl of yeast mixture. You should put the flour into many times so we will easily knead the dough.

- You use a whisk to mix the flour evenly.


- After that, you use your hands to knead, you knead the dough a little bit because the longer we knead the dough, the better it will be.

- You knead the dough until the dough becomes soft, fine, smooth, the dough doesn't get clumped and doesn't stick to your hands.


- Next, you wash in the dough and apply a layer of sesame oil on the dough.


- Then, you use plastic wrap and cover the mouth of the bowl, we will proceed to incubate the dough for about 1 hour or until the dough is twice as large as the original size.

- You should place the dough in a slightly warm place for better baking.

- While waiting for the dough, we will proceed to make the cake.

- You prepare a medium-sized pot.


- Then, you put in the pot of the following ingredients: water, sugar, cornstarch, salt.


- Next, you use a spatula to beat eggs and beat the mixture up so that they have a blend together.

- After that, you put the pot on the stove and cook over medium heat.


- Wait until the mixture of cornstarch and sugar is boiling, you let the char siu and cut the pomegranate seeds inside, at the same time you add a few drops of red food color.

- Please keep stirring.

- Wait for the pot to boil again, then turn off the heat.

- The next step, we will perfect the Manapua.


- You take the bowl of flour we are brewing out at the same time you use your hand to press the web down the bowl to let the dough go down completely.

- Then, you will divide the dough into 12 equal parts and round them up into balls.


- Next, you take a portion of the dough into the palm of your hand, you spread the dough thinly, but pay attention to the center of the dough not too thin, but thicker than other places.


- After that, you cupped your palms slightly and scooped a sufficient amount of cake in the middle.

- Next, you started to squeeze the cake again. You slowly twist the edges of the dough together first and then round up so that the filling is wrapped inside without breaking out.


- After making the cake, you put it on a piece of parchment paper.


- You will do the same for the rest of the cake dough and filling, and when you squeeze the cake, put the cake on the stencils like this.

- We'll let the cake rest for about 10 minutes.

- The last step, we will steam the cake and finish.


- You put the cake in the steamer, remember to put the parchment inside too. You also note that we will arrange the cake about 5cm apart so that when the cake is blooming they will not stick together.


- You steam the cake for about 15 minutes with high heat.


- After the time is up, turn off the heat but keep the Manapua in the pot for a few more minutes.


- When you eat, you will present the cake on a plate.


Note when making Hawaiian Manapua:

- As mentioned above, you can bake cookies instead of steaming.

- To make the dough tastier, you can increase the dough many times. The first time you let the dough double, press down on the dough, then keep the 2nd and 3rd time incubated. Or you can keep the cake in the cooler of the refrigerator for 3-4 hours. Although it takes time, the cake will be delicious.

- Hawaiian Manapua cake or Manapua main name of beautiful Hawaiian waters will surely surprise you by the delicious taste of the cake. The crust is soft and fragrant, the inner core is impressed by the bright red color and attractive by the mixture of chewy chewy chewy, slightly fat, cornstarch and sugar are both sweet and fragrant, ... to stimulate your taste buds.

So from now on you can learn more about Hawaii's street food without having to come to this island to taste it. And what's interesting with this cake is made from your own hands because it is no less delicious than the traditional cake made by indigenous people. Please learn how to sponsor housework.

Wish you all success and enjoy your meal with Hawaiian Manapua!

According to wikihow

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