What is Sauce? The Role Of Sauce In Cuisine

Date 28 month 12 year 2018

Sauce is a term commonly used in cooking. Especially, in Western culinary culture, sauce plays an important role to enhance the flavor of the dish. In addition to cooking, sauce is also used as an ingredient in ice cream dishes. Different types of sauce will create ice cream dishes with different flavors. So what is sauce? What is the role of sauce when creating odors in making ice cream? Let's find out.

In cooking, especially Western dishes, you've probably heard of a “sauce” ingredient. Sauce is used to flavor dishes and make them more eye-catching. Sauce is also used to create flavors in the preparation of ice cream dishes. For those who are new to or not familiar with European dishes or concoctions, it is probably not clear what sauce is. Let's find out about this concept as well as the role of sauce when creating the smell in making ice cream.

What is Sauce?

Sauce is a sauce, which refers to all types of viscous liquid with color, flavor created to add to the main dish, especially light or dry dishes. Sauce helps the dishes to create moisture and balance the flavors. There are many different sauces because each type of food is suitable for a particular spice.


Fruit Sauce is made to put into a creamy milk mixture in making ice cream (Image: Internet)

Sauce to create the smell in making ice cream is the type of sauce processed, blended according to its own formula to put into the milk cream mixture, creating a characteristic smell for ice cream. Different types of sauce will create different creams, for example, mint sauce makes mint ice cream. Sauce that makes the flavor in ice cream is usually fruit sauces.

Each expert has a unique recipe and processing methods to create a delicious, standard sauce, not a pre-bought or conventional syrup. Sauce is an ingredient that determines 80% success when making ice cream.

The role of sauce when creating odors in making ice cream

Helps the ice cream taste and color characteristics

There are many different ways to make certain flavors of ice cream and depending on the form of ice cream to choose the appropriate way. For iced fruits, you can use freshly ground fruits, sliced fresh fruits as a highlight for ice cream. But with the scent of ice cream, grinding or slicing fruit is not possible. Because the fruit contains water, you have to turn the fruit into a jam or sauce before adding it to the cream so the ice cream won't get crushed or less delicious.

With creams such as Caramel, wine cream, chocolate ice cream, mint ice cream, sauce is even more necessary to add.


Sauce mint color and smell for mint ice cream (Image: Internet)

Sauce mint is defined as a green, minty aroma, the mint flavor characteristic of ice cream. Sauce of wine makes an unmistakable taste for wine ice cream. Along with that, the color will vary depending on the color of the wine you choose. If the wine color is beautiful, the resulting ice cream will have a nice ruby pink or red rose color, on the contrary, the cream will be darker.

Shorten preparation time for multiple batches of ice cream

Odor Sauce is a form of condensing materials at a suitable temperature so it is easy to preserve. Can make a large amount of sauce and use for many different batches of ice cream. Some types of sauce, if stored at cool refrigerator temperatures, can be kept for several months. So you can be assured of the convenience of using homemade ice cream sauce, which is not inferior to any commercially available canned sauce.

Safe, effective without additives or synthetic flavors

For a standard creamy flavor and attractive color, you should make your own sauces, do not choose to buy low quality, unsafe industrial sauces. Sauce makes itself more delicious than commercial sauces or syrups, safer than flavoring ingredients or synthetic additives. For those with business intentions, it is even more important to make a difference for your ice cream. Thanks to the foundation formula, you can create more attractive, different flavors to create your own impression, attract customers.

So you know what sauce is and the role of sauce when creating the smell in making ice cream. If you are studying concoction, you will know how to use sauce to create an effective scent for ice cream. Refer to some recipes to make your own sauce to add to the ice cream dish you make more attractive.

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