Dishes, remedies from rock sugar

Date 28 month 01 year 2019

TAccording to Oriental medicine, rock sugar tastes sweet, calculates average, into Kinh Ty and Phe. Governmental functions: bổ trung ích khí, hòa vị, nhuận phế, chỉ khái, trừ đàm

In folklore, rock sugar is commonly known as a cough remedy. There are several ways to use alum sugar in combination with other foods to treat very effectively.

Some dishes and remedies from rock sugar:

Support and stimulate digestion: Gourd peeled, washed, use about 50g with a little rock sugar into the pot with 3 cups of water (750ml) cook the remaining one cup, decant the residue, take the broth, have Uses to stimulate digestion, help eat more delicious.


Rose petals rock sugar used to treat cough due to weather.

Cough due to weather: 20g tangerine peel, 100g rock sugar cooked with 1.5 liters of water, cook for tangerine peels cooked. Use both water and female to treat dry weather-induced cough. Use 3-5 days.

Or: Take fresh rose petals and distillate with a little sugar to drink to treat cough due to the weather. Use 3-5 days.

Take some rock sugar and some fresh ginger (peeled, cut finely) into a cup, bring the brakes with boiling water to treat colds caused by the weather.

10 apples, 5 slices of fresh ginger, cooked with a little rock sugar for cases of colds, respiratory infections caused by weather.

Good for blood, good for the heart: 30g alum sugar, 50g lotus seeds, 10g ginseng, 100g delicious glutinous rice. How to do: Lotus seeds put the heart, and the same ingredients on the pot to cook porridge. When the porridge is almost ripe, add the rock sugar, stir well. This dish is good for the heart, has a tonic effect. 10 days is a course.

Lowering blood pressure: Take some rock sugar with 50g dried chamomile (washed). Put chrysanthemum in a pot with the same amount of water used to boil, cook for another 10 minutes, let it cool, then decant the water, then stir in rock sugar water. Use this water to lower blood pressure.

Or 1kg of fresh vegetables, a sufficient amount of rock sugar. How to: Wash vegetables, crushed, squeezed to get water. rock sugar into boiling water to dissolve and mix with vegetable water needed to use.

Supporting to treat inflammation, cirrhosis: People with hepatitis, cirrhosis can use 20g rock sugar, 30g pink apple, 20g peanuts to cook drinking water during the day. Use one month if the disease is reduced, then take a month off then use another month.

Treating hot fever: Squash 100 - 200g peeled, removed intestines, sliced, rock sugar with appropriate dosage, add a little stirring water, cook into sweet soup form. Use 3-5 days.

According to Doctor Nguyen Nga / SK & DS

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