How To Make Delicious Chrysanthemum Bread

Date 24 month 12 year 2018

How to make this chrysanthemum bread in only 4 simple steps, using the main ingredients of butter, flour and eggs. With dexterity, the finished product after baking is a super delicious chrysanthemum bread.

Have you ever heard of chrysanthemum bread? Harrys Brioche bread, also known as chrysanthemum bread, is a traditional French cake, made mainly from butter and eggs, sometimes butter accounts for about 65% of the total flour, so the cake just finished baking is fragrant same attraction.

How to make chrysanthemum bread

Chrysanthemum bread is loved for its soft, light and spongy texture, has a slightly greasy taste and can be eaten with jams. This type of cake is usually imported from France, but with the following recipe instructions, you can make your own chrysanthemum bread to enjoy. The soft, creamy bread promises to be a favorite dish of your family members, especially the children.


Light butter: 225g

Yeast: 1 tablespoon

Tai Ky multi-purpose flour: 4 - 4 ½ multi-purpose flour

Chicken eggs: 7

Fresh milk or water: ½ small bowl

White sand sugar: ¼ baby bowl

Salt: 2 teaspoons

Tools to make chrysanthemum bread: dough mixer, coin dispenser, flour knife, baking tray, cooling rack.


Step 1. Melt butter.

About 1 hour before baking, let the butter soften at room temperature or, if necessary, put it in the oven for 10 seconds to soften the butter.

Step 2. Mix the baking dough.

1 beat egg whites, set aside.

The remaining 6 eggs are smashed into a small bowl and smashed.

Put yeast and water (or fresh milk) in the mixing bowl of the batter for a few minutes, stirring to let the yeast expand. Then, you add eggs and sugar, add salt and flour and start to mix the flour.

Mix the dough by machine to achieve perfect smoothness

Knead the dough slowly for about 2 minutes until the mixture blends together and becomes smooth. Add more butter and speed up the kneading to a medium, you do not remove all the butter, take each spoon, wait for the butter to mix before the next spoon. Mix the flour until the butter is gone, stop.

Use a rubber rinse to scrape the dough into the mixing bowl, stirring the dough in the same direction for about 6 minutes to let the butter melt completely. So we have a smooth, soft, and slightly glossy dough mixture.

Step 3. Incubate.

Take a cloth to cover the flour bowl, incubate for about 1.5 hours at room temperature or hot temperature. After that, you take the cloth out, cover the bowl with plastic wrap and store it in the refrigerator cooler, leave overnight. This will make the cake taste better and make it easier to make. If the baking powder is higher than the side of the bowl, do not compress the dough, but separate the dough around the rim to escape slightly.

Leave the dough outside for 1.5 hours before placing it in the refrigerator cooler

Step 4. Bake the cake.

Spread a thin layer of cooking oil or butter evenly over the baking sheet.

Sprinkle a little flour evenly on a flat surface (tray, tray), pour the flour on the flat surface and then use your hands to gently pat to form a rectangular dough. Use a knife to cut the dough into 12 equal parts, roll each section staggered into the baking tray as shown below.

Create a dough on a flat surface
Divide the dough into small pieces and place in a tray

Cover the dough with a towel, leave for about 1.5 hours to expand.

Turn on the oven 30 minutes before at a temperature of 176 degrees C. When baking, beat the egg whites with a little water and spread evenly on the cake.


Spread the egg whites for a lustrous shine when baking

Place the batter tray in the middle of the oven floor and bake for 30-40 minutes until the cake turns golden brown. While baking, you can spread more eggs if the cake is large enough to give it a nice shine. After baking, take out to cool for about 5 minutes and then take the cake out of the tray, place on a plate.

Finished chrysanthemum bread after baking

The finished chrysanthemum bread, after being baked, has a rich and seductive aroma; The cake has a beautiful golden brown color, with a soft texture, characteristic fatty taste. With this cake, you can make it to enjoy or give it to friends and relatives.

Wish you all success!

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