What is Sesame Oil? Uses And Usage

Date 28 month 12 year 2018

The world of extremely rich vegetable oils. Besides soybean oil, peanut oil, coconut oil ..., there is a delicious oil with many health benefits, sesame oil. The use of sesame oil has long been known and should be favored in most countries around the world, including Vietnam. To explore more about this oil, let's find out what sesame oil is, its uses and how to use it.

Sesame oil has long been known as a health and beauty food. This is also the type of vegetable oil used to make dishes that chefs trust. But compared to soybean oil, peanut oil ... sesame oil is less common, so many people do not know about sesame oil, its uses and uses. Let's find out the answer to the question is what sesame oil? Many people wonder and explore the uses and uses of this oil.

What is sesame oil?

Sesame oil (also known as sesame oil) is a vegetable oil extracted from sesame seed (sesame), has a strong odor, used for cooking and spices in cuisine. Sesame seeds are grown in tropical or temperate countries in Asia. Sesame seeds are small but contain a lot of oil.

Sesame oil is often used as a spice in Chinese, Japanese, Middle Eastern, Korean, and Southeast Asian cuisines.


Black sesame oil is preferred (Image: Internet)

Classification of sesame oil:

Based on the color of sesame oil, sesame oil is divided into two types: white sesame oil and black sesame oil. White sesame oil is pressed from white sesame seeds, which is very good for children and the elderly. Black sesame oil pressed from black sesame seeds, has a typical aroma often used in many dishes.

Based on the processing, pure sesame oil has 2 types: raw sesame oil and cooked sesame oil

Raw sesame oil: is the first cold pressed oil, usually will be bright yellow, darker than the color of peanut oil, but with the clarity of sesame oil. Often used in curing because of its high nutrient content.

Ripe sesame oil: is made from sesame oil after being roasted and brought to force pressed manually. When roasted sesame will turn the color of the shell made when pressed sesame oil turns reddish, when used for cooking will produce eye-catching yellow for the dish and often smells much better than raw sesame oil.

Uses of sesame oil

Sesame oil contains many unsaturated fats, omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, vitamins E, B, calcium ... so very good for the body. Sesame oil contains many nutrients, when absorbed directly into the body to consume immediately. Sesame oil also provides oxygen to burn food into energy which helps purify the scum.


Sesame oil has many uses for health and beauty (Image: Internet)

Sesame oil helps prevent the treatment of constipation, pus, impetigo and some toxic tumors. Sesame oil also helps to sedate, treat insomnia, reduce stress,

Sesame oil contains linoleic acid, a type of omega-6 fatty acid that helps reduce bad cholesterol, increases the level of good cholesterol for the body, very good for the heart. The calcium in sesame oil helps to restore the mineralization of tooth enamel, which helps to keep bones strong, limiting the risk of osteoporosis in the elderly.

Sesame oil contains many natural nutrients necessary for body growth, providing good folic acid for pregnant women and developing fetuses.

In addition to health care, sesame oil also works well for beauty. Sesame oil is one of the best natural moisturizing products for the skin. They are more likely to penetrate deeper into the skin than regular moisturizers. So it is used to rub areas prone to stretch marks for pregnant and postpartum women.

How to use sesame oil

Sesame oil is used to make cooking oil instead of animal fat or other vegetable oils, used as a salad dressing, combined with other ingredients to make sauces or to apply to the skin. , anti stretch marks.

So we know what sesame oil is, its uses and how to use it. With the useful uses of sesame oil, you can often use it to make cooking oil, combine processing delicious dishes to increase the flavor of the dish and increase the nutritional value of food or use as a The best skin care product.

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