What is Semolina Powder? Ingredients And Uses

Date 27 month 12 year 2018

Semolina is one of the main ingredients to create beautiful, colorful, blue, red, black, yellow noodles ... in addition, semolina is also used to make some delicious cakes with simple semolina cake making. . Let's find out what semolina is, its composition and uses in the article below.

Semolina is a common powder used in cooking as well as cuisine, especially Italian cuisine. Just understanding that is not enough for the answer Semolina is what? Taky also had a lot of time to learn about this material so he decided to summarize his knowledge about Semolina so that you can easily learn more.

The world of wheat flour is extremely diverse and plentiful. Therefore, a thorough understanding of each type of flour, its characteristics, uses and classification will help you easier to use them to make cakes. When starting out as a baker, Taky also had a long time to learn about the dough, which was Taky's first lessons when he entered the profession. In the past, Taky only knew the word "flour" and used them to refer to most types of flour. But the more I learn, the more I discover other interesting things. In this article, Taky will share with you about Semolina, a special kind of dough that is sure that you will encounter many times during your learning and baking!


Semolina flour is used to make pasta dishes (Photo: Internet)

What is Semolina?

Semolina is a powder made from durum wheat with amber color. Semolina is the main ingredient used to create colorful noodles: green, yellow, red, black ... with the help of auxiliary ingredients. Semolina flour is the highest protein and quite a lot of other nutrients used to prepare Italian specialties and some cakes.

To make Semolina, people grind raw grains (most of which are hard wheat), then, they are carefully dried and screened so that Semolina no longer contains bran or germ.

The use of semolina powder

Semolina has the highest protein content of any type of flour, which is considered ideal for making pasta and making some Italian pudding. Semolina is very rich in gluten, so this powder is also used in the preparation of some dishes and some other cakes such as semoule (gâteaux de semoule), soup (potage), couscous, spaghetti pasta, pasta ...


Types of macaroni, pasta used daily in life (Image: Internet)

Biscuits or noodles made from semolina are usually quite dense in texture, when eaten still feel the taste of wheat well and contain a lot of protein as well as many healthy nutrients. When added to soups, semolina gives the soup a distinctive flavor and perfect consistency.

In addition to the above, semolina is also used to cook baby porridge. With the protein content and minerals that this powder has, this is one of the ideal choices for mothers when choosing baby weaning powder.

How many several types of Semolina?

Semolina has the 4 most basic types used in food processing and the processing of foods on the market. The most commonly used semolina powders are:

- Semolina type 1: This powder is obtained after the stage of grinding the kernel of wheat, this semolina powder is considered the "highest".

- Semolina type 2: This type is more commonly used, with the majority of the powder ingredients.

- Semolina fine: This powder is used to produce pasta, pasta ...

- Very fine semolina: The fine semolina is mainly used as food for children.

Depending on which main grain we have, we have different semolina powders, so when applied to food processing we can classify their applications.

- Semolina is made from wheat material: this powder is used for couscous, boulgour, pasta, pasta ...

- Semolina is made from white rice: this powder is used to make cakes as well as an agent to perform the adhesive effect ...

- Semolina is made from corn: this powder is used to make polenta ...

- Semolina is made from buckwheat: this material is used to make kacha (Russian galette) ...

- Semolina yellow is a type of wheat flour added safran or turmeric to create more yellow.

Where to buy semolina powder, how much?

Semolina powder is used quite commonly and is used to process a variety of foods, so you can buy semolina powder at grocery stores, large supermarkets, and material stores. Semolina has many different types with different prices depending on the type of flour you choose. The price of semolina usually ranges from about 70 - 100 thousand VND / bag of 500 grams.

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