Precious medicine from the flowers of the West River

Date 28 month 01 year 2019

In addition to beauty, many flowers in the West are also a source of food and an important source of medicine in the prevention and treatment of residents here.

Sesban-River bean: Common sesban, Egyptan rarrlepod, Egyptan riverhemp.

treatment Zona: use the braird sesban river bean to stab with salt to cover the affected skin for several hours, then wash. Apply 1 to 2 times a day.

Cardinal heart tonic: using sesban river bean to remove stalks, water-proof with rock sugar, eating 100-200g daily for many days.


Sesban river bean

Stimulates digestion, laxative, cooling: sesban river bean washed, drained, crockery, or glass jars. Take the sediment in the rice water mixed with salt and then pour into a flooded flowerpot. Use banana leaves or subjects to wash thoroughly, cover the jar. About 3 days later, sour flowers are edible. Melons sesban river bean eat crunchy, delicious. If you want to enjoy the full flavor of fresh sesban river bean, you can make a crazy flower with grated coconut, by: taking about 200g of sesban river bean picked and washed, drained; Grated 1/2 dried coconut, mixed with flowers for evenness and scoop out on a plate. Take the sauce or soy sauce, when it is hot, pour into the plate and mix to eat.

Treatment of boils: use the leaves to wash, crush with a little salt, apply on the pain to reduce swelling and heal the mouth.

Regulating menstruation: use 12 - 16g of dried sesban river bean seeds to drink daily.

In addition, eggs fried sesban river bean is a delicious, nutritious, cooling, detoxifying food, useful for people with physical weakness, poor sleep, constipation, diabetes, pimples . Processing is also very simple: 100 - 200 g of sesban river bean washed and drained; 2-3 eggs into a bowl, seasoning with a little spice (fish sauce, pepper, monosodium glutamate), a little chopped green onions and beat until ready. For cooking oil in a medium pan of yellow onion, pour the crazy flowers into the mix, then pour the eggs in to yellow and then turn over the back, when the gold is poured out on the plate, use hot in meals.

Water lily: genus Nymphaea, is a genus of aquatic plants belonging to the Nymphaeaceae family.

Water lily is a day flowering plant, with its roots and stems in water. Some leaves are submerged, while others float slightly above the surface of the water.

Freshly picked cotton buds, fresh or dried.


Water lily

Cure insomnia: 15 - 30g cooked with 200ml of water color, the remaining 50ml, drink 1 time a day. Or used in combination with other flavors: water lily 15g, lotus heart 10g, jasmine 10g. All dried, pureed, brewed as tea drink 2 times a day.

Cure bladder bladder use: water lily 15g, corn beard 15g, grass roots 10g, cheek gums 10g, lettuce 10g. Cook sharp drink taking special water 2 times a day

Flower So Dua: Science name: Sesbania grandiflora(L.) Poiret.

Flower So dua contains high amounts of vitamin C (0.1%), B vitamins, calcium and iron salts, amino acids.


Flower so dua.

The epidemic of Flower and its leaves is a folk remedy in India to treat runny nose. When it enters the nose, it produces a lot of fluid and dissipates the sensation of pain and heaviness at the top of the head. Perfume also used to bleach.

Indian people use flower so dua to treat jaundice, bronchitis, gout, edema and fever every other day.

Treat colds and flu: crushed flower and leaves, squeeze nasal drops to treat flu.

Tree and Flower Cu Neo: Science name:: Limnocharitaceae).

This is a wild plant that grows throughout the Mekong Delta, a bit like an hyacinth (Japanese duckweed), but it sticks to the mud and not drift like a hyacinth. According to folk medicine, Cu Neo is a medicine to treat back pain, aches, cool liver, diuretic ...; also according to the hardworking housewives are indispensable food in the frugal meals of the Southwest region. These remedies use whole plants except roots (leaves, flowers, sheaths).


Keo Neo Southwest

Cure the fine sperm: Cu Neo 50 - 100g fresh Cooking with water and drink.

Cure hot women with a lot of broken air: 50g of fresh Cu Neo, 20g of Crinum latifolium L. leaves several times a day.

Cure uritis:Cu Neo, psyllium, 50g each cooking and drink 3 times a day.

According to BS. CKII. Huynh Tan Vu / SK & DS

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