How To Cook Baby Meal From Nutritious Rice Flour

Date 25 month 12 year 2018

How to cook baby flour from nutritious rice flour is easy to implement, easy to combine a variety of ingredients, while ensuring the daily essential amount of nutrients for your baby. Join Taky Food to learn about rice flour, as well as how to cook, so that you can prepare the best snacks for you.

How to cook baby powder from rice nowadays is used by many mothers. Partly because the rice flour can be ground at home, the other part is safe for the baby and many nutrients. Mom can also flexibly add appropriate vegetables, helping to diversify the flavors of dishes for children, because rice flour porridge is easy to combine with many different ingredients.


How to cook baby food powder from Taky Food rice flour

1. Note about rice flour used to prepare baby food

Rice flour for baby cooking for babies is fine ground rice flour. It is very easy for mothers to prepare rice flour by themselves.

Besides, there are quality pre-packaged flours, mothers can buy to prepare snacks for their children, if there is not enough time to grind the baby's own flour.


Takyfood rice flour is always used by many mothers to cook food powder for their babies

According to nutrition experts, the golden rule for weaning babies is:

$ · Eat from a little to a lot, from liquid to thick, from fine pureed to gradually increasing coarse.

$ · Get ​​to know each type of food, eat a variety.

$ · Only give children white rice when starting.

$ · No seasoning before 1 year old.

$ · New to the 7th - 8th month to learn seafood.

Whether the mother uses rice flour or pureed porridge instead, the principle of weaning as above has not changed. More than that, a note attached to the above principle, when using rice flour to prepare baby food, the mother always remembers, the raw material to grind the baby powder only needs traditional rice.

Many mothers often combine powdered food with a variety of seeds such as green beans, black beans, lotus seeds ... because it contains many essential nutrients and vitamins for the baby, this is quite good. However, mothers should not combine regularly, just enough for your baby. Moreover, when combining nuts, mothers need to pay attention to monitor the baby when eating, to detect the nuts that the baby can be allergic to, to remove from the baby's menu.

In addition, to supplement the variety of nutrients for the baby, as well as change the taste of food, mothers can add each type of vegetables and fruits every day. This will help your baby have more experiences about a variety of foods through the taste of the food they enjoy

2. The menu of snacks for babies from rice flour

With rice flour, mothers can easily combine ingredients such as vegetables, fruits, meat, fish, ... From here, you can create a menu that is both nutritionally balanced and rich in taste. . This is also one of the secrets to help your baby love weaning more.

Below are some of the most popular recipes for babies, using rice flour, chicken and broccoli. Using other ingredients, you can also apply the same weight ratio and cooking method.

Ingredients: 10 grams of Taky Food rice flour, 200 ml of water, 10 grams of chicken breast meat, 10 grams of broccoli leaves, 1 teaspoon of cooking oil

How to prepare:

Step 1: Tai Ky rice flour is pureed and smooth. Avoid using for children with sticky rice will cause the baby to have full stomach, indigestion.


Takyfood rice flour is pureed

Step 2: Clean the chicken breast. Mince and puree the chicken breast meat as small as possible.


The chicken is cleaned and pureed

Step 3: North pot to cook flour on the stove, turn over high heat. Pour 200 ml of water into the pot to boil. After the water boils, drop the pre-cooked broccoli into the pot. Boil for 2-3 minutes for vegetables to ripen thoroughly, remove vegetables in a bowl to cool.


Vegetables are boiled and pureed

Step 4: Boiled vegetables, crushed with the sieve as finely as possible, so that when the dough is done, pour the vegetables into the pot, stir together.

Note: Mom can mince fresh vegetable leaves and cook together with rice flour until cooked. However, this way, while keeping the high nutritional content, but the taste is more intense than the boiled vegetables.

Step 5: Put Taky Food rice flour in vegetable broth, stir until it dissolves and place on a low heat. Stir your hands well, so that the dough doesn't clump. Wait 2-3 minutes, add the minced chicken and stir well. Avoid putting the chicken in the pot when the broth is too hot, the meat can quickly lump. After putting the chicken in the pot, the mother still let the low heat for about 7-10 minutes, stirring until both the dough and the chicken are cooked.

Note: if the mother uses the chopped green leafy vegetables while fresh but not boiled, the minced vegetables can be put into the dough after 3-5 minutes of adding chicken.


The powder is put in the pot and stirring

Step 6: When the meat is done, the mother adds the pureed boiled green vegetables, mix well and turn off the heat. At this time, do not forget to add a little more cooking oil for the baby, stir well and then scoop out the bowl, let it cool down. Let the baby eat while the powder is still warm, the mother avoids giving the baby cold powder.


Rice flour cooked with chicken and broccoli provides essential nutrition for your baby

4. Necessary nutritional content in a child's nutritional diet

Mother always pay attention, how to cook baby flour from rice flour, it is still necessary to ensure the nutritional content needed for the baby. A bowl of baby flour for baby food must ensure food hygiene, full nutrition and especially to have 4 food groups: protein, flour, vitamins and minerals, fat.

$ · Protein-rich foods include: meat, shrimp, fish, crab, eggs or using beans.

$ · Vitamins & minerals include vegetables such as greens, pumpkin, carrots ... the darker the ingredients, the more vitamins.

$ · Fat is the ingredients from cooking oil, sesame oil, soybean oil, olive oil ...


Essential nutrients in your baby's menu

Based on the above notes and the mother's ingenuity, the baby is sure to always enjoy the rich foods and necessary nutrients.

How to cook baby powder for baby usually requires mothers to carefully choose fresh and clean ingredients to ensure safety for the baby. At the same time, mothers need to set up a scientific weaning menu, combining enough foods and balanced nutrients for your baby. In addition to the information mentioned above, mothers also do not forget to apply the tips on how to cook snacks for babies, so they can receive a variety of flavors and not lose their appetite. Wishing you success in your journey with your baby entering the weaning age

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