Pickles: Beneficial, how harmful?

Date 28 month 01 year 2019

Pickles in addition to delicious food functions, studies show that the health benefits of pickles are good for digestion, can help you lose weight with a variety of healthy antioxidants and may counteract a Number of types of cancer.

However, other studies mention the disadvantage for health because of its high salt content (sodium), which has negative effects on the heart and may increase the risk of stomach cancer.

The health benefits of pickles

Pickling is a method that has been used for thousands of years to preserve foods outside of the growing season. Most recipes contain salt, vinegar and spices. In Asian countries, oil is also used. While pickled cucumbers are probably the most common pickled food in North America, in the world, all fruits and vegetables and even meats can be pickled.


Providing probiotic probiotics

Pickling is a form of fermentation. When vegetables and fruits ferment, healthy bacteria break down indigestible cellulose in food as well as some natural sugars. This is why some people with lactose intolerance can eat yogurt. Healthy bacteria help keep fermented foods safe and less likely to be damaged, and can also help increase good bacteria in the intestines when eaten. Eating pickles at a meal can boost healthy probiotic levels. Pickles provide many useful microorganisms for the digestive system, stimulate digestion and help strengthen the body's resistance and immunity.

Provides antioxidants

The natural antioxidants found in fruits and vegetables help fight free radicals. Free radicals are harmful substances that are naturally formed in the body and can lead to cell damage and problems like heart disease and cancer. While cooking, any food can break down some of the nutrients due to heat sensitivity, but preserving fruits and vegetables in the form of pickles helps maintain their antioxidant properties.


Provides essential minerals and vitamins

Eating fresh pickles is not only delicious, but also provides essential vitamins like vitamin C, A, K, folate and minerals like iron, calcium and potassium. Vitamins and minerals are important micronutrients that protect the body from diseases, help build immunity, strengthen bones, protect eyesight, cure anemia and other functions of the body.

Control diabetes

Studies have shown that consuming pickles with vinegar helps improve hemoglobin levels in diabetic patients, thereby helping to control diabetes. The acetic acid present in vinegar has been noted as responsible for this phenomenon. However, care must be taken to avoid excessive consumption of pickles because excess salt raises blood pressure.

Helps to lose weight

The fiber from pickle salts helps fill you longer, helps to curb cravings, and helps regulate your weight naturally.

Fight spleen cancer

Recent research shows that Japanese pickles have health benefits and the ability to fight certain types of cancer. A 2014 study found that probiotics in traditional Japanese pickles were found to fight spleen cancer cells in mice. This finding could lead to future treatment of human spleen cancer.

The health disadvantage of pickles

Eating a lot of pickles can increase the risk of stomach cancer.

The risk of stomach cancer?

Research shows that extremely salty foods can put you at risk of stomach cancer. In Turkey and Japan, when pickled foods are widely used in everyday cuisine, observations show a significantly higher rate of stomach cancer. Recently, a team of doctors in Turkey looked at the diet of patients with stomach cancer and found that: stomach cancer patients ate significantly less bread, cereals, milk and Orange juice, but they eat more pickles than those without cancer. More research is needed to make this connection clear.

Increases blood pressure

Preserving any kind of food requires the addition of salt and salt, which makes up about 5% of most pickled pickles. High amounts of salt can raise blood pressure. Salt and sodium are the villains when it comes to living with hypertension and heart disease. Dietary guidelines for Americans show that people with hypertension or prehypertension should limit their daily sodium intake and need only 1,500mg / day.

Causes stomach irritation

Eating a large amount of pickles at one time easily irritates stomach acid secretion, develops gastroesophageal reflux syndrome, and easily triggers available stomach ulcers.

How to eat pickles to benefit health?

1. Do not eat pickles when still green, pungent. Because the melon is still green, not easy to contain more nitrosamines can cause cancer. Eat melon only when it has turned bright yellow, sour, crunchy and fragrant.

2. If you have a history of cardiovascular disease, hypertension, should limit eating pickles because they contain high salt content can increase blood pressure.

3. Before eating, wash many times, squeeze the watermelon to reduce the salinity and acidity of the pickles.

4. Do not eat too much and often. Should only eat miles with many other dishes at one meal, especially meals on New Year.

5. Unused pickles cannot be returned to jars because they easily damage the melons that are available in the jar, use a clean spoon to pick up the melon, tightly cover the jar and should store in the refrigerator compartment.

6. Make your own pickled vegetables and fruits, which can help you adjust the added salt and ensure a clean food, protect fridge products as well as keep the flavor in place Pickled pickles for Tet dishes.

In summary, basic pickle salt still brings many health benefits, especially when eating moderation and performing the salt and sour reduction steps before eating, Tet holiday without pickles is lacking food. exciting.

Dr. Hải Châu

According SK&ĐS/ healthline.com, organicfacts.net

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