Medicine taste in Banh Chung

Date 28 month 01 year 2019

Banh Chung is a traditional food, imbued with national identity, rich in nutrients, indispensable during the Vietnamese New Year’s festival.

Medically, all the ingredients that make up a stuffed sticky rice cake are folk remedies, very close to everyday life.

Dong leaves

Mild sweetness, slightly soldering, cooling effect, detoxification, diuretic, astringent. Cure drunkenness: 100g fresh dong leaves, washed, crushed, pressed for drinking water. Used alone or in combination with young cassava leaves. You can use the petiole as well. Cure poisoning: bud 50g, washed, crushed, add water, decant drinking. Day 2-3 times. Wound healing: 100g copper foil, washed, crushed, applied bandage. If the bleeding wound will stop immediately. Relieve digestive disorders, go out several times a day: dong burning leaves exist, each drink 20g with cool boiled water. Drink 2-3 times a day.

The ingredients in Banh Chung are folk remedies..

Glutinous rice

Glutinous rice (light-weight rice): has a sweet taste, aromatic, soft, warmth, and spleen effect.

In order to cure the vomiting indefinitely, Tue Tinh (the herbal medicine of the brand) used 20g sticky rice with yellow stars, fresh ginger 3 slices, excellent with 200ml of water to 50ml, drink during the day. Also with the above uses, folk experience uses 12g sticky rice in combination with 12g glutinous rice, 12g ginseng party, semi-downgraded 6g, licorice 4g, cook drinking water. Roasted rice water is used to combat diarrhea.

Thinly cooked sticky rice porridge called flower porridge has the effect of "cool intestines", used in the case of "heavy stomach", if cooked with pork sausage is a dish - a classic and popular medicine to increase milk secretion.

Green beans (green beans)

Edible grains contain protein 22-23.4%, lipid 1 - 2.4%, carbohydrates 53 - 60%, amino acids, vitamins A, B1, B2, PP, B6 and trace elements. Medicinal herbs have a sweet taste, a bit fishy, ​​cool properties, have a cooling effect, detoxify, thirst, regulate the five organs.

The ancients had known how to prevent heat-fighting diseases in the summer by cooking drinking water with 3 types of green beans, black beans and red beans (equal amounts). Green beans are cooked with sticky rice into porridge, add sugar, eat daily to treat porridge, rubbing alcohol, urinating, vomiting during pregnancy. Green beans spread very small, mixed with vinegar to treat swelling, heat, aches and pains.

To detoxify, take green beans the whole shell, 2 parts; Licorice 1 part, excellent drinking water. Green pea pods (green or green pea pods), traditional medicine use green pea pods in combination with biogeography, black ginseng, gypsum, black powder, licorice, 10g each, dried, crushed small, sharp with 400ml water to 100ml, drink 2 times a day to treat high fever, narcosis, convulsions.

According to folk experience, dried green pea pods, stuffed into a cloth bag for a pillow to create a pleasant cool feeling, prevent headaches, especially in the hot and humid season.

Banh Chung

Mung bean sprouts

As a special vegetable in the form of color rich in protid, glucide, vitamins especially vitamin E are essential for rare people and women with miscarriage. The common form is to eat sprouts. When coughing, there is a phlegm, dry neck, hoarseness, taking sprouts mixed with a little water, squeezing water to take many times a day. To cure food and metal poisoning, urinary retention, drunkenness, drinking sprout juice with added sugar.

In addition, pork and aromatic spices such as pepper and cardamom are also popular folk remedies.

According to DS. Do Huy Bich / SK & ĐS

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